Connecting to Meeting Guide A support website for trusted servants

Adding Online Meeting Info

With recent ‘shelter at home’ orders, many A.A. meetings have resorted to finding alternate meeting places online. Meeting Guide provides support for presenting online meetings in a variety of ways. Generally, online meetings fall into three categories: Meetings with physical location temporarily closed now meeting online Meetings happening both online and in-person at a physical […]

Marking Meetings as Temporarily Suspended

As of version 3.2.1 (released Mar 17 2020), connected A.A. service entities can mark their meetings as temporarily suspended, which gives them a grayed-out appearance in the app. This helps tell users that the meeting is not happening better than removing the meeting would. WordPress If your website is using the 12 Step Meeting List […]

Add Your Logo

Version 3.0 of the app will offer organizations the option of adding their logo to the app. Interested organizations should contact us to let us know. The intent of providing this feature is to help users understand the role that local organizations (Intergroups, Areas, Districts, and International GSOs) play in providing and managing their meeting […]


A.A. service organizations may use the graphical assets on this page to link to the app on their websites, and describe the app in printed materials. Writing about Meeting Guide When writing about the app, please refer to “Meeting Guide” and “the Meeting Guide app”. Do Meeting Guide is a service of A.A. World Services, […]

Monthly Calls

We will be offering monthly conference calls to participating member organizations so that they may ask questions and receive updates about the handover to A.A.W.S. and the future of the Meeting Guide app. These calls will be held on the second Saturday of the month at 9am PT / 12pm ET. The first call was […]

Duplicate Listings?

It’s common for A.A. websites to have overlapping service areas. That is ok, Meeting Guide has a system for filtering out duplicates. When a website joins the app, the addresses of its meetings are all geocoded (run through Google) and then registered to that organization. When another organization joins, any meetings they have at previously-registered […]

JSON Feeds

Websites that use the WordPress 12 Step Meeting List plugin or a Google Sheet (as described in Minimum Requirements) are not required to provide a JSON feed. Sites that use Wix Data Collections or use their own custom database will need to create a JSON feed to make their data accessible to Meeting Guide. If […]

Software Platforms

The only software requirement to participate in this project is the presence of a database. Most software platforms (or no platform) should work; it will just require different levels of effort. WordPress This is the easiest option, because of the free 12 Step Meeting List plugin that handles the JSON feed automatically, and provides other […]

Web Hosting

There are no requirements about what type of hosting your website should use. If your website is on the internet that’s the only requirement. However, because this is a topic we are often asked about, we can share the following experience. Recommendations for Smaller Sites If your site lists fewer than 300 meetings, economy shared […]

Minimum Requirements

Meeting Guide participation is open to all general service areas, districts, Intergroup Central Offices, and international General Service Offices listed on’s “A.A. Near You” section. Because of the technical requirements related to gathering data from a large number of sources, we require that participants: Have their own independent website List their meetings on their […]